Quake 2 Free Download ApunKaGames – Overview – Free Download – Compressed – PC – Specs – RIP – Screenshots – Torrent/uTorrent
Type of game: First-person Shooter
PC Release Date: December 9, 1997
Developer: id Software
Quake 2 (Size: 34 MB) is a First-person shooter game for PC. The game released on December 9, 1997 for windows (PC). Developed by id Software and published by Activision, Bethesda Softworks..
Quake 3 Arena (Size: 428 MB) is a First-person shooter PC video game. The game released in December 2, 1999 for windows (PC). Developed and Published by id Software, Activision.
Quake 2 Quad Damage (658 MB) is a First-person shooter video game. Developed and published by id Software, Bethesda Softworks LLC. It was released on December 9, 1997 for Windows PC. Much more than just a sequel, this second coming has a mind (and an engine) of its own. Fifty-five larger mission-based levels, including 64-player DeathMatch and Capture the Flag levels. Futuristic weapons like the revered Railgun and BFG put every foe in its place, as do hordes of other comebacks including the grenade launch, chaingun and the Hyper Blaster from hell.
System Requirements
CPU Type: PentiumCPU Speed: 90 MHzRAM Required: 16 MBHard Disk Space: 25 MBGraphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: Multiple Resolutions
Color Depth: 256 Colors

How to Install?
Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar)
Open “Quake 2 – Apun Ka Games” >> “Game” folder, double click on “Setup” and install it.
After installation complete, double click on “Quake2” icon to play the game. Done!

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