Does playing a game take away our tension?

The answer is a resounding yes. Many gamers have reported that playing a video game helps them cope with stress. But there are many factors that contribute to the effects of video games on our brains. The first is the fact that some games are addictive and require a significant amount of time. But other … Read more

Why games are important for children’s development

Games help children learn and develop the essential life skills they will need to become successful adults. Children develop social and emotional skills through play. During this process, they create worlds that they can explore and create unique ideas for challenges. These skills are important for a child’s future and often go undeveloped without the … Read more

Does playing games keep the body healthy?

The effects of playing games are numerous and varied, but one thing is certain: they influence our wellness in unpredictable ways. Ideally, you should try to incorporate short breaks and light exercise into your daily routine if you want to avoid long-term effects. Also, make sure to watch your posture and do stretches as often … Read more

How the game harms the human eye

While most people don’t think about how video games affect their eye health, the short-term effects of excessive use have been well documented. Computer vision syndrome, or digital eye strain, is associated with prolonged usage of digital devices. This can cause dry eyes, headaches, and fatigue, among other problems. To combat these problems, video games … Read more

Where in the world was the password first used?

Where in the world was the password first used for computer systems? The password was invented by Fernando J. Corbato, an American who is considered the father of the password. It was first used as a means of authentication. Although Corbato did not realize how important his invention would be to society, it was still … Read more

What is a four digit Password and how does it work?

According to a recent study by Data Genetics, “the most common four-digit password is 1234”. The same pattern applies to the second most common four-digit PIN: “1111.” These combinations are easy to guess, but not easy enough to break the system. Fortunately, researchers have found several ways to make a four-digit PIN more difficult to … Read more

How to insert PIN code in iPhone

There are times when your iPhone won’t recognize your fingerprint, and you’ll have to insert a PIN code to unlock it. Sometimes you’ll have to restore your iPhone, which wipes out all the data and removes the passcode lock. Fortunately, it’s easy to fix this problem. Just follow these steps to put a PIN code … Read more

How to set a strong password

There are several ways to create a secure password. The first and most important way is to avoid using any information that is personal. For instance, avoid creating a password that contains personal information. It should also not contain random characters. This can make it hard to remember and is easy to be compromised by … Read more