The House of the Dead 1 Free Download ApunKaGames – Free Download – PC version – Compressed GAMES
Type of game: Arcade, Shooting
PC Release Date: March 4, 1997
Developer/Publishers: Sega Games, Wow Entertainment
House of the Dead 1 game is a arcade shooting game, the game similar to the typing of the dead. The game was popular in old games, you have to defend you self from zombies with weapons.Before downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements.
The House of the Dead 2 (Size: 411 MB) is a Horror PC video game developed by Wow Entertainment. The game released in March 25, 1998 for windows (PC).
Haunt the House: Terrortown (104 MB) is a Action video game. Developed and published by SFB Games. It was released on June 6, 2014 for Windows PC. Leave the dusty halls of an abandoned clock tower to haunt your way through a town in the dead of night! Possess objects with your ghostly soul, to scare people away from a museum, a hospital, a theatre and a cruise ship. Will you be able to scare everyone out and reclaim what has been lost, before the night is over?
Minimum System Requirements
Minimum CPU Type: Pentium
Minimum CPU Speed: 133 MHz
Minimum RAM Required: 16 MB
Graphics Type: SVGA
Graphics Resolution: 640×480
Color Depth: High Color

How to Install?
Extract the file using Winrar. (Download Winrar)
Open “The House of The Dead” folder, double click on “Setup” and install it.
After installation complete, go to the folder where you install The game.
Open folder, double click on “THOTD” icon to play the game. Done!
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just Click Here
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